
棒棒噠!!真的忒別好!!! [107美國直購] Electropan Replacement Ecovacs Accessory Kit for DEEBOT M80 M80 Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Brush 性價比高又好,一週以內在商城買了兩次,




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2018 [107美國直購] Electropan Replacement Ecovacs Accessory Kit for DEEBOT M80 M80 Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Brush 采辦優惠系列




[107美國直購] Electropan Replacement Ecovacs Accessory Kit for DEEBOT M80 M80 Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Brush 詳細介紹:


Electropan Replacement Ecovacs Accessory Kit for DEEBOT M80 M80 Pro Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Brush Filter Mop Cloths for Ecovacs Deebot DT85 DT83 DM81 DM85

Replacement Ecovacs Deebot m80 accessories. Please noted this is replacement accessories, not the Genuine. It is 100% competible with the Genuine
Main Brush is made up of Rubber brush & nylon brush & Fiber brush. 3 different matariel of the brush to deal with different dust and deeply clean the dust in awkward places, strongly gather dust without leaking
Durable Mop cloths can polish and sweep the floor to be bright and clean as new, its ultra soft microfiber material is with effective cleaning pad that won't scratch or smear the floor
Good quality Hepa Filter, its sponge has a potent effect on filtering particulate, such as cigarette smoke, pollen, dust and other particles which reaches up to 99.97%

Product description
This replacement Accessory Kit is compatible with

Ecovacs Deebot M80 M80 pro
Ecovacs Deebot DT85 DT83 DM81 DM85
No, they fit DEEBOT M80 M80 Pro DT85 DT83 DM81 DM85 only. To all customers: these parts fit the model number of Vacuum listed on our product title and description only, if the model number of your vacuum is not included on our product title and description, please don't make purchase.

Kindly Note:
The Side Brush may be winding in its small packing box, this is normal, just put it in hot water (about 80 ℃) for several minutes to recover

Package Includes:

4 x Side Brush
3 x Filter
1 x Main Brush
3 x Mop Cloth

Our products are the Replacement accessories for Ecovacs, not the Original.
The Ecovacs brand name are the registered trademark of the respective owner.
Any use of the Ecovacs brand name, model or part designation on our listing is for purpose of demonstrating compatibility

Product information
Package Dimensions 5.9 x 5.1 x 5.1 inches
Item Weight 11.7 ounces
Shipping Weight 1.1 pounds
Manufacturer Electropan



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